Keyword: Climate Change Policy All TopicsOutputProject All PartnersHomeless People's Federation Philippines, Inc. (HPFPI)Institute of Environmental Science for Social Change (ESSC)International Development Research Centre (IDRC)Technical Assistance Movement for People and Environment Inc. (TAMPEI)UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)University of Sheffield's Urban InstituteUniversity of the Philippines Resilience Institute (UPRI)University of the Philippines School of Urban and Regional Planning (UP SURP) All ThemesDeveloping in a changing climateRisk-informed early actionUnderstanding climate risk All TopicsCoastalDisaster risk reductionEffective adaptationGender Equality and InclusionInformal settlementsUrban Output Enabling climate science use to better support resilience and adaptation practice : rapid evidence assessment for the CLARE programmeRead more Project Resilience of informal communities in rapid urbanization (RURBANISE)Read more Output Integration of gender equality and social inclusion considerations into CLARE : the ‘what’ and the ‘how’Read more