Library Browse publications, datasets and other results from the CLARE initiative. Countries Algeria Bahrain Bangladesh Benin Bhutan Burkina Faso Cameroon Democratic Republic of the Congo Egypt Ethiopia Fiji Ghana India Indonesia Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Kenya Kuwait Lebanon Libya Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Nepal Niger Nigeria Occupied Palestinian Territories Oman Philippines Qatar Rwanda Saudi Arabia Senegal Somalia South Africa South Sudan Syria Tanzania Togo Tunisia Türkiye Uganda United Arab Emirates Yemen Zambia Types Book Book Chapter Case Study Data Product Final Technical Report IDRC-Related Report Journal (Full) Journal Article Journal Article (peer-reviewed) Other Website Policy Brief Presentation Scoping Study Synthesis Report Working Paper Workshop Report Topics Agriculture Arid and semi-arid lands Capacity Strengthening Coastal Disaster risk reduction Economics Ecosystems based adaptation Effective adaptation Gender Equality and Inclusion Health Humanitarian action Informal settlements Migration Research for Impact Transboundary adaptation Urban Water Authors Abaas, Akhtar Abilogo, Edith Adaptation Research Alliance Agol, Dorice Ahmed, Bashir Ahmed, Shakil Al Jazeera Andrews, Talbot M. Arjan De Haan Bahadur, Aditya Barcena, Alejandro Beesigamukama, Dennis Benson, Lisa Bhadwal, Suruchi Bharti, Neha Biemans, Hester Boulle, Michael Bråten, Yngve Braun, Heidi Brown, Sarah Budimir, Mirianna Butler, James R.A. Cao, Yue Carter, Suzanne Castellano, Elena Chakravarty, Smita Chapagain, Dipesh Chowdhury, Sidratun Cochrane, Logan Constable, Andrew Contreras, Erik Mencos Conway, Declan Copeland, R.S. Cundill, Georgina Currie-Alder, Bruce Czunyi, Sarah Dale, Stephen Dane, Anthony Danielsen, Katrine de Campos, Ricardo Safra De Haan, Arjan de Perez, Erin Coughlan De Souza, Ken Dencer-Brown, A. Dencer-Brown, Amrit Melissa Diop, Mamadou Dupar, Mairi Eerdewijk, Anouka van Egonyu, J.P. Eklund, Johanna Eskander, Shaikh Finyange, P. Friess, Daniel Gannon, Kate Elizabeth Geldmann, Jonas Ghemoh, Changeh J. Gilmore, Elisabeth Gitonga, K.J. Gooroochurn, Mahendra Gulpen, Marijn Hafiz, Mashrur Hambloch, Caroline Haque, Anisul Harvey, Blane Haselip, James Herr, Dorothe´e Hess, Jeremy Himal South Asian Hiwasaki, Lisa Hockley , Neal Hogarth, Ryan Hutton, Will Huxham, M. IDRC International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Jamal, Faiza Jokinen, Ari-Pekka Jones-Phillipson, Emma Jones, Julia P. G. Jones, Lindsey Jones, Rhiannon K.C., Sony Kairo, J.G. Karlin, Lena Kedros, Jenny Khalid Jamil, Muhammad Khamis, F.M. Kibet, Staline Klostermann, Judith Koirala, Ankur Korir, Nicholas Krönke, Matthias Lamichhane, Nabina Landry, Marie-Eve Lang’at, J.K.S. Lauchlan, Elsie Leck, Hayley Lennard, Christopher Lovell, Emma LTS International Limited Mach, Katharine J. Malhotra, Saumya Mason, John Mentz, Sasha Migration Policy Institute Mochoge, Benson Mohamed, Shazla Mukasa, Ritah Mundy, Julie Murshed, Sonia Binte Mutter, Carolyn Z Mutter, Carolyn Z. Norris, Ken Nowreen, Sara O’Neill, Mary Odoulami, Romaric C. Ofwona, Edith Olazabal, Marta Opitz-Stapleton, Sarah Oscar, Koech Ouweneel, Birgitt Pauw, Pieter Peters, Katie Pisini, Sateesh K. Pradhan, Neera Shrestha Raharijaona, Stefana Rahman, Munsur Rahman, Rezaur Rajaonarivelo, H. Manoa Rakotoarisoa, Mirindra Rakotonarivo, O. Sarobidy Räsänen, Matti Rawden, Laura Redicker, Sarah Robertson, Mélanie Rosenzweig, Cynthia Salehin, Mashfiqus Sapatnekar, Poorti Savvidou, Georgia Science – Metric Inc. Scodanibbio, Lucia Shilland, R. Shilland, Robyn Shrestha Pradhan, Neera Shrestha, Suzeena Simpson, Nicholas P. Singh, Simron J. SouthSouthNorth (SSN) Sparkes, Edward Sprout, Elizabeth Steynor, Anna Strachan, Kate Subramanian, Sevgan Syed, Abu Tanga, Chrysantus M. Thammadi, Swetha The SEOSAW partnership Thompson-Hall, Mary Thorn, Jessica P. R. Totin, Edmond Trisos, Christopher H. Tui, Sabine Homann-Kee Valdivia, Roberto Vincent, Katharine Watkiss, Paul Werners, Saskia E. Wise, Russell M. Zade, Dipak Projects Accelerating women’s leadership in climate action (AWARD) Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) Behavioural adaptation for water security and inclusion (BASIN) Building Insurance Mechanisms Adaptation (BIMA) Building women smallholder farmers’ adaptive capacities in Uganda (WOSFER) CLARE Capacity Strengthening Hub CLARE Research for Impact (R4I) Hub Climate adaptation and resilience in tropical drylands (CLARITY) Climate Risk Early Warning System (CREWS) Climate Risk Services Decision Support for Climate Risk Preparedness towards Gender-Responsive Crop Insurance in West Africa (GRIN) Designing inclusive African coastal cities’ resilience (INACCT Resilience) Early warning and response for climate-sensitive waterborne disease outbreaks in Benin (Benin Health) Enhancing local capacities in socially inclusive resilience in Asia (SIRA) Fisheries sustainability on coral reefs (ClimateREEFS) Flood Early Warning Research Gender equality and inclusion: Distribution and costs of adaptation (ECONOGENESIS) Improved anticipation of floods on the White Nile (INFLOW) Innovative facilitation for resilience: Transforming complex dialogue for adaptation (fellowships) Methods to enhance capability in high-resolution information for adaptation: Initial case studies (MECHANICS) Pan-African and transdisciplinary lens on the margins: Tackling the risks of extreme events (PALM-TREES) Resilience and preparedness to tropical cyclones across Southern Africa (REPRESA) Resilience building through multi-stakeholder engagement in anticipatory action for climate-induced disaster (REBUMAA) Resilience of informal communities in rapid urbanization (RURBANISE) Resilience to climate vulnerability and environmental risk (RECOVER) focus on small islands Seasonal Climate Outlooks Spatial surge forecasting using artificial intelligence and community knowledge (SURF-IT) Strengthening pastoralist livelihoods through effective anticipatory action (PASSAGE) Successful intervention pathways for migration as adaptation (SUCCESS) Synthesis program for African research on climate change (BAOBAB) The Tuwe Pamoja project (“Let’s be together” for equitable urban nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation) Years 2019 (2) 2020 (4) 2021 (6) 2021 (6) 2022 (4) 2022 (4) 2023 (25) 2023 (25) 2024 (5) Climate change, conflict and fragility : information and analysis to support programme design scoping for the climate and resilience framework programme (CLARE) Scoping Study Year: 2020 Authors: Brown, Sarah Budimir, Mirianna Cao, Yue Dupar, Mairi Lovell, Emma Opitz-Stapleton, Sarah Peters, Katie DownloadDesign scoping study for the capacity strengthening component of the CLARE programme : final report Scoping Study Year: 2020 Authors: Boulle, Michael Dane, Anthony Haselip, James Mentz, Sasha Scodanibbio, Lucia DownloadIntegration of gender equality and social inclusion considerations into CLARE : the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ Scoping Study Year: 2021 Authors: Bråten, Yngve Danielsen, Katrine Eerdewijk, Anouka van DownloadCLARE scoping study : understanding African decision-makers’ needs for research and evidence Scoping Study Year: 2019 Authors: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) SouthSouthNorth (SSN) Download« Previous 1 2 3 Climate change, conflict and fragility : information and analysis to support programme design scoping for the climate and resilience framework programme (CLARE) Scoping Study Year: 2020 Authors: Brown, Sarah Budimir, Mirianna Cao, Yue Dupar, Mairi Lovell, Emma Opitz-Stapleton, Sarah Peters, Katie DownloadDesign scoping study for the capacity strengthening component of the CLARE programme : final report Scoping Study Year: 2020 Authors: Boulle, Michael Dane, Anthony Haselip, James Mentz, Sasha Scodanibbio, Lucia DownloadIntegration of gender equality and social inclusion considerations into CLARE : the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ Scoping Study Year: 2021 Authors: Bråten, Yngve Danielsen, Katrine Eerdewijk, Anouka van DownloadCLARE scoping study : understanding African decision-makers’ needs for research and evidence Scoping Study Year: 2019 Authors: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) SouthSouthNorth (SSN) Download« Previous 1 2 3