CLARE Topic: Agriculture All TopicsPageProjectUpdate All CountriesBangladeshBeninBhutanBurkina FasoCameroonDemocratic Republic of the CongoEthiopiaFijiGhanaIndiaIndonesiaKenyaMadagascarMalawiMaldivesMauritiusMozambiqueNepalNigerNigeriaPhilippinesRwandaSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth SudanTanzaniaTogoUgandaZambia All PartnersAction Against HungerAfrican Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD)African Women's Network for Sustainable Development (REFADD)Association of Uganda Professional Women in Agriculture and the Environment (AUPWAE)Centre for Research and Integrated Development (CEDIR)Collaborative Center for Gender and Development (CCGD)Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA)Homeless People's Federation Philippines, Inc. (HPFPI)IGAD Centre For Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD)IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre (ICPAC)Institute of Environmental Science for Social Change (ESSC)International Committee for the Development of Peoples (CISP)International Development Research Centre (IDRC)International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) - KenyaInternational Water Management Institute (IWMI)Jigjiga UniversityKathmandu UniversityKenya Red Cross Society (KRCS)Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)Lead City University (LCU)Makerere UniversityNational Drought Management Agency (NDMA) - KenyaNational Drought Management Authority (NDMA, Kenya)Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER)North South University (NSU)Project EmpowerRegional Centre for Mapping of Resources and Development (RCMRD)Sustainable Solutions for Africa (SSA)Takaful Insurance of Africa (TIA)Technical Assistance Movement for People and Environment Inc. (TAMPEI)Translate into Meaning (TriM)UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)UK Met OfficeUniversity of Cape Town (UCT)University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR)University of Kinshasa (Unikin)University of Lagos (UNILAG)University of Limpopo (UL)University of Nairobi (UoN)University of OxfordUniversity of Sheffield's Urban InstituteUniversity of SussexUniversity of Yaoundé IUniversity of the Philippines Resilience Institute (UPRI)University of the Philippines School of Urban and Regional Planning (UP SURP)UttaranVirridy Research Inc.West African Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL)World Food Programme (WFP) All ProjectsAccelerating women’s leadership in climate action (AWARD)Behavioural adaptation for water security and inclusion (BASIN)Building Insurance Mechanisms Adaptation (BIMA)Building women smallholder farmers’ adaptive capacities in Uganda (WOSFER)CLARE Capacity Strengthening HubCLARE Research for Impact (R4I) HubClimate adaptation and resilience in tropical drylands (CLARITY)Decision Support for Climate Risk Preparedness towards Gender-Responsive Crop Insurance in West Africa (GRIN)Designing inclusive African coastal cities’ resilience (INACCT Resilience)Early warning and response for climate-sensitive waterborne disease outbreaks in Benin (Benin Health)Fisheries sustainability on coral reefs (ClimateREEFS)Gender equality and inclusion: Distribution and costs of adaptation (ECONOGENESIS)Improved anticipation of floods on the White Nile (INFLOW)Pan-African and transdisciplinary lens on the margins: Tackling the risks of extreme events (PALM-TREES)Resilience and preparedness to tropical cyclones across Southern Africa (REPRESA)Resilience building through multi-stakeholder engagement in anticipatory action for climate-induced disaster (REBUMAA)Resilience of informal communities in rapid urbanization (RURBANISE)Resilience to climate vulnerability and environmental risk (RECOVER) focus on small islandsSpatial surge forecasting using artificial intelligence and community knowledge (SURF-IT)Strengthening pastoralist livelihoods through effective anticipatory action (PASSAGE)Successful intervention pathways for migration as adaptation (SUCCESS)Synthesis program for African research on climate change (BAOBAB) All ThemesDeveloping in a changing climateRisk-informed early actionUnderstanding climate risk All TopicsAgricultureArid and semi-arid landsCapacity StrengtheningCoastalDisaster risk reductionEconomicsEcosystems based adaptationEffective adaptationGender Equality and InclusionHealthHumanitarian actionInformal settlementsMigrationResearch for ImpactTransboundary adaptationUrbanWater All ThreadsClimate-resilient developmentLived experiences Update Community-Led Embankment Management in Coastal Bangladesh: Local Strategies for Resilience and Disaster Preparedness a Study by SURF-ITRead more Update GRIN Activities 2024Read more Update Roots of Resilience: The PALM-TREEs Project in Mbanza Ngungu, DRCRead more Update Bridging Knowledge and Action: The Community Hydrology ApproachRead more Update PALM-TREEs Project: Strengthening Agricultural Resilience in CameroonRead more Update Stay Informed: Our Inaugural PALM-TREES Newsletter is outRead more Update WOSFER Researchers to Empower Women Smallholder Farmers in Cattle CorridorRead more Update Impact of climate change on agricultural communities in Mustang, NepalRead more Project Accelerating women’s leadership in climate action (AWARD)Read more Update “What season is it?” Changing agrarian landscapes in the high hills of IndrawatiRead more Update Is the Index Based Livestock Insurance product sustainable as an emergency drought relief response?Read more Update Ensuring gender equality and inclusion in climate research Read more Update Advancing gender integration in climate policies and sustainable solutions through research in Central AfricaRead more Update A pan-African and transdisciplinary perspective on people living on the margins and coping with extreme weather events in Central AfricaRead more Project Decision support for climate risk preparedness - towards gender-responsive crop insurance in West Africa (GRIN)Read more Page LibraryRead more Page ResearchRead more Project Strengthening pastoralist livelihoods through effective anticipatory action (PASSAGE)Read more Project Pan-African and transdisciplinary lens on the margins: Tackling the risks of extreme events (PALM-TREEs)Read more Project Building Insurance Mechanisms Adaptation (BIMA)Read more Project Building WOmen Smallholder Farmers’ empowerment and adaptive capacities: A pathway to Enhancing women’s Resilience to climate change in Uganda (WOSFER)Read more Update IDRC and UK announce new research projects to boost climate resilience in Global SouthRead more Update Official Launch of the PALM-TREES ProjectRead more