Co-adapting in a climate challenged world: The role of Real-World Labs (RWLs) in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)


Authored by Yacine Cissé

Climate change is a dominant challenge for Earth and its inhabitants, as numerous climate records are increasingly broken1. The year 2023 was the warmest recorded year at 1.45° ± 0.12° above preindustrial levels2. As we near the Paris Agreement on the 1.5°C lower limit on climate change, the United Nations Environment Programme3  describes this as one of many broken climate records— certainly not the right kind. Human activity and the resulting greenhouse gas emissions have contributed to the warming of the Earth and can be related to fast and widespread changes in Nature. Changes in the atmosphere, biosphere, and oceans, among other ecosystems are of particular importance for the extreme weather and climate events that have increasingly affected people and the environment globally in loss and damages1 4.

Being among those who contribute the least to climate change but are among the most affected, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) have a particular experience of climate change. According to IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report, in terms of per capita emissions, Least Developed Countries (LDCs) (1.7t CO2-eq) and SIDS (4.6t CO2-eq) are among those who contribute the least compared to the global average (6.9t CO2-eq)1. In addition, among the global hotspots for vulnerability to climate hazards are SIDS alongside regions such as South Asia and West, Central, and East Africa. According to the United Nations Development Programme’s5 Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI), SIDS are generally more vulnerable than their income levels would suggest concerning geographic, environmental, financial, and economic indicators.

What groups in SIDS are most vulnerable to climate change?

Generally speaking, vulnerability is highest in contexts of poverty, conflict, challenged access to basic services and resources, governance challenges, and high numbers of climate-sensitive livelihoods1. Inequity and marginalization can contribute to worsened vulnerability due to factors such as gender, ethnicity, living in informal settlements, low income, and age, among others.Moreover, SIDS being among the most climate-vulnerable places, within those countries, some individuals and groups are on the frontlines as they are most at risk. These climate-vulnerable individuals and groups include, but are not limited to, women, children, low-income individuals, the elderly, the disabled, individuals with climate-sensitive livelihoods, and those living in locations of exposed risk to shocks6 7 8 9 10.

 Photo credit: Dr. Simron Singh (RECOVER’s case study site in Mahebourg, Mauritius, June 2024)
The Importance of Inclusivity

Inclusivity is a key part of climate adaptation; inclusive adaptation planning and implementation are helpful to avoid worsened vulnerability. According to IPCC’s (2023) Sixth Assessment Report, inclusive community engagement processes support effective responses to climate challenges. As such, marginalized and climate-vulnerable individuals and communities must be included in adaptation work; adaptation is enabled by principles of climate and social justice, equity, inclusion, and just transitions.

What are Real-World Laboratories (RWLs)?

In research, an approach called Real-World Laboratories (RWLs) can provide such a space for adaptation engagement across various stakeholder groups, including the most climate-vulnerable and marginalized. RWLs are a concept out of sustainability science with a focus on transformative research and solving real-world problems; this research approach sets out transdisciplinary labs in real-world contexts. The main goal is societal transformation via experimental social learning processes11 12 13. RWLs belong to a family of experimental approaches to transformative and transdisciplinary research, so they are not unique or entirely new in what they pursue and, in their approach14. These labs seek to bring together the advantages of research in settings of the real world and those of laboratory settings. Considering the multiple terms used to evoke various real-world laboratory approaches, for purposes of this guide and consistency, the term ‘real-world lab (RWL)’ will be used.

Methodology and Key Characteristics: RWLs address the aims of transformative research of understanding sustainability challenges and designing solutions15. The process of understanding challenges informs the potential governing of change and scientific evidence and knowledge on systems interventions. That is, RWLs enable sustainability transitions via the creation of transformation knowledge which informs both research and practice16 17. In the creation of place-based evidence, RWLs employ various methodological approaches.

RWLs can then be understood as a combination of interdependent characteristics11. These characteristics with which RWLs can be situated are the use of experimentation and transdisciplinarity as a core research method, the contribution to transformative research and aim to advance sustainability transformation, the long-term orientation and the scalability and transferability of research findings, scientific and social learning18 14 12.

Transformation:RWLs contribute to sustainability transformation in their analysis of transformation dynamics and processes of change as well as transformative research in its development and application of solutions concerning sustainability challenges14 .

Experiments and Transdisciplinarity:Experiments and transdisciplinarity are core research methods for real-world laboratories. RWLs involve experimentation to generate actionable evidence for sustainability transitions; the labs constitute transdisciplinary infrastructure for conducting such experiments14 12 .

Long-term perspective, Scalability, and Transferability: RWLs, ideally, are long-term institutions oriented towards longer time horizons; compared to what the usual timeline of regular research projects allows, the labs can design, carry out, and evaluate transformation processes that would not take place otherwise12. In the real-world laboratories, the focus should not be the long-term existence of labs, but rather that solutions have a long-term horizon14.

Learning: RWLs provide spaces for learning at an individual and systemic level where competency development can be facilitated12 14 19. Focusing on the dynamics between the exchange of knowledge, action, and reflection, RWLs may allow for successful social learning by providing space for facilitating trust-building, communication, iteration, and conflict resolution between participants14.

Stakeholder Engagement and RWLs:

RWLs have important considerations for science-society interactions; the value is in science’s engagement in and for society12. Such participation of non-research actors has implications for increased societal impact of research18. In RWLs there is a continuous focus on engagement from citizens in the experimentation process and via other participatory processes such as co-design, co-production, and evaluation12 14 20 21 22; though the stage at which participation occurs may vary based on the research.

Co-design: The co-design phase represents the process by which researchers and practitioners meet on equal footing to establish a culture of co-leadership and define the project framework and set rules. Establishing a joint problem understanding should be followed by generating a mutual understanding of the system underlying the challenge. In addition, it is experts from the public (municipalities, public agencies, etc.) and private sector (businesses) that participate in this co-design process to jointly define the thematic focus and object of the lab23. At this stage, practitioners take on the role of contributors of contextual knowledge, whereas researchers act as knowledge brokers and guide the development of a systems model16 24. Some roles may be shared at this point such as facilitating co-design and coordinating expert inputs.

Co-production: The co-production phase represents the process of going beyond theoretical knowledge and taking the lab to an action space of experimentation, reflection, and calibration where learning takes place cyclically from ongoing actions16. At this stage, stakeholders engage in knowledge co-production as they generate and test actions in an innovative and collaborative process, and at the same time develop competencies for application14. The real-world interventions that occur during the co-production phase may have direct implications for practice in the form of new policies, business models, and collective mind-shifts, among others, representing outcomes of the co-production process.

Co-evaluation: It is through reflexivity and evaluation activities that involved stakeholders take advantage of real-world labs as learning platforms that support the development of individual competencies and capacity for further contributions to transformation22. It is for the co-evaluation and co-interpretation of outcomes that researchers and practitioners should come together; the results of this exercise should then inform and transfer back into science and practice systems. Transfer into practice is the process by which lessons learned about patterns of success and failure are used to support the creation of products such as guides, new practices and ways of doing. On the other hand, transfer into the scientific system reflects how results inform the methodological and theoretical state of the art of the concerned research disciplines, thereby contributing to scientific papers, articles, and other products.

The CLARE funded RECOVER project employs the transdisciplinary research approach of RWLs. This process aims to foster interaction between the research team and stakeholder groups, including vulnerable and marginalized groups, to co-create innovative locally adapted climate adaptation solutions. This iterative process of engaging in real-world laboratories then informs contributions to societal development and the scientific discourse thereby contributing to addressing adaptation needs and working towards innovative pathways.

Note: This blog is based on a full report that is forthcoming; and accessed here.

Featured photo credit: Dr. Simron Singh 


1 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC]. (2023). Climate change 2023: Synthesis report. Contribution of working groups I, II and III to the sixth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. URL: . URL:

2 World Meteorological Organization [WMO]. (2024). State of the global climate 2023.

3 United Nations Environment Programme [UNEP]. (2023). Emissions gap report 2023: Broken record – temperatures hit new highs, yet world fails to cut emissions (again). United Nations Environment Programme.

4 World Economic Forum. (2024). The global risks report 2024.

5 United Nations Development Programme. (2023). Multidimensional vulnerability index.

6 Red Crescent Red Cross Climate Centre [RCRC]. (2021a). Climate change impacts on health and livelihoods: Fiji assessment.

7 Red Crescent Red Cross Climate Centre [RCRC]. (2021b). Climate change impacts on health and livelihoods: Maldives assessment.

8 Mauritius Research Council. (2013). Evaluation of the vulnerability of coastal communities to climate change in the island economies- a case study of the Republic of Mauritius.

9 Chacowry, A., McEwen, L. J., & Lynch, K. (2018). Recovery and resilience of communities in flood risk zones in a small island developing state: A case study from a suburban settlement of Port Louis, Mauritius. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 28, 826–838.

10 United Nations Mauritius. (2023). United Nations sustainable development cooperation framework Mauritius 2024-2028.

11 Schäpke, N., Bergmann, M., Stelzer, F., Lang, D. J., & Guest Editors. (2018). Labs in the real world: Advancing transdisciplinary research and sustainability transformation: Mapping the field and emerging lines of inquiry. Gaia (Heidelberg, Germany), 27(S1), 8–11.

12 Parodi, O., Bögel, P., Beecroft, R., Seebacher, A., Wagner, F., & Hahn, J. (2022). Reflexive sustainable technology labs: Combining real-world labs, technology assessment, and responsible research and innovation. Sustainability, 14(22), 15094-.

13 Noll, D., Petridis, P., Gingrich, S., Skoulikidis, N., Singh, S. J., Jongen, M., Papaioannou, G., & Fischer-Kowalski, M. (2024). Insights into 15 years of transdisciplinary research on a small Greek island. GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 33(1), 35–43.

14 Schäpke, N., Stelzer, F., Caniglia, G., Bergmann, M., Wanner, M., Singer-Brodowski, M., Loorbach, D., Olsson, P., Baedeker, C., & Lang, D. J. (2018). Jointly experimenting for transformation? Shaping real-world laboratories by comparing them. GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 27(1), 85–96.

15 Schäpke, N., Stelzer, F., Bergmann, M., & Lang, D. (2016). Tentative theses on transformative research in real-world laboratories: First insights from the accompanying research ForReal. TATuP – Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, 25(3), Article 3.

16 Wanner, M., Hilger, A., Westerkowski, J., Rose, M., Stelzer, F., & Schäpke, N. (2018). Towards a cyclical concept of real-world laboratories: A transdisciplinary research practice for sustainability transitions. disP – The Planning Review, 54(2), 94–114.

17 Renn, O. (2018). Real-world laboratories—the road to transdisciplinary research? GAIA  – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 27(1), 1–1.

18 Bergmann, M., Schäpke, N., Marg, O., Stelzer, F., Lang, D. J., Bossert, M., Gantert, M., Häußler, E., Marquardt, E., Piontek, F. M., Potthast, T., Rhodius, R., Rudolph, M., Ruddat, M., Seebacher, A., & Sußmann, N. (2021). Transdisciplinary sustainability research in real-world labs: Success factors and methods for change. Sustainability Science, 16(2), 541–564.

19 Singer-Brodowski, M., Beecroft, R., & Parodi, O. (2018). Learning in real-world laboratories: A systematic impulse for discussion. GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 27, 23–27.

20 Wanner, M., Hilger, A., Westerkowski, J., Rose, M., Stelzer, F., & Schäpke, N. (2018). Towards a cyclical concept of real-world laboratories: A transdisciplinary research practice for sustainability transitions. disP – The Planning Review, 54(2), 94–114.

21 McCrory, G., Schäpke, N., Holmén, J., & Holmberg, J. (2020). Sustainability-oriented labs in real-world contexts: An exploratory review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 277, 123202.

22 Krütli, P., Pohl, C., & Stauffacher, M. (2018). Sustainability learning labs in Small Island Developing States: A case study of the Seychelles. GAIA  – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 27(1), 46–51.

23 Scheller, D., Thomas, S., Arnold, A., Wissenbach, K. R., Mboa Nkoudou, T. H., Cigarini, A., Bonhoure, I., Perelló, J., Mayer, K., Kieslinger, B., Schäfer, T., Schürz, S., Wöhrer, V., Wintersteller, T., Malik, M., Lombion, C., Winfree, L., Arza, V., Mitats, B., … Pío, M. J. S. (2020). CoActD2.1: Report on state of the art of citizen social science.

24 Wittmayer, J. M., & Schäpke, N. (2014). Action, research and participation: Roles of researchers in sustainability transitions. Sustainability Science, 9(4), 483–496.

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