CLARE Partner: PlanAdapt All TopicsProjectUpdate All CountriesBangladeshBeninBhutanBurkina FasoCameroonDemocratic Republic of the CongoEthiopiaFijiGhanaIndiaIndonesiaKenyaMadagascarMalawiMaldivesMauritiusMozambiqueNepalNigerNigeriaPhilippinesRwandaSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth SudanTanzaniaTogoUgandaZambia All PartnersAfrican Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS)Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN)International Development Research Centre (IDRC)Maldives National University (MNU)PlanAdaptSouthSouthNorth (SSN)UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)University of Fiji (UniFiji)University of Mauritius (UoM)University of Waterloo All ProjectsBehavioural adaptation for water security and inclusion (BASIN)Building Insurance Mechanisms Adaptation (BIMA)Building women smallholder farmers’ adaptive capacities in Uganda (WOSFER)CLARE Capacity Strengthening HubCLARE Research for Impact (R4I) HubClimate Risk Early Warning System (CREWS)Climate adaptation and resilience in tropical drylands (CLARITY)Designing inclusive African coastal cities’ resilience (INACCT Resilience)Early warning and response for climate-sensitive waterborne disease outbreaks in Benin (Benin Health)Fisheries sustainability on coral reefs (ClimateREEFS)Gender equality and inclusion: Distribution and costs of adaptation (ECONOGENESIS)Improved anticipation of floods on the White Nile (INFLOW)Pan-African and transdisciplinary lens on the margins: Tackling the risks of extreme events (PALM-TREES)Resilience and preparedness to tropical cyclones across Southern Africa (REPRESA)Resilience building through multi-stakeholder engagement in anticipatory action for climate-induced disaster (REBUMAA)Resilience of informal communities in rapid urbanization (RURBANISE)Resilience to climate vulnerability and environmental risk (RECOVER) focus on small islandsSpatial surge forecasting using artificial intelligence and community knowledge (SURF-IT)Strengthening pastoralist livelihoods through effective anticipatory action (PASSAGE)Successful intervention pathways for migration as adaptation (SUCCESS) All ThemesDeveloping in a changing climateRisk-informed early actionUnderstanding climate risk All TopicsCapacity StrengtheningEffective adaptationGender Equality and InclusionResearch for Impact Update Gender at Work: Closing the Divide in Climate Resilience Read more Update Bridging the Gap: Insights from the Knowledge Brokering Workshop (KBW)Read more Update Creating Safe, Inclusive Co-Creation Spaces: Insights from the BIMA Project Read more Update Equitable Partnerships in Climate Research: Reflections from Peer-LearningRead more Update CLARExchange Forum 2023: Supporting Collaboration and Learning Across the CLARE Research PortfolioRead more Project CLARE Capacity Strengthening HubRead more