Climate extremes and vulnerable communities: Empowering marginalized groups in Accra


In a concerted effort to address the escalating challenges posed by climate extremes and marginalization in Africa, The “Pan-African and Transdisciplinary Lens on the Margins: Tackling the Risks of Extreme Events” (PALM-TREEs) project was launched in Accra, Ghana on February 23rd, 2024.

To kick start the project’s activities in Accra, PALM-TREEs collaborated with University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) and Sustainable Solutions for Africa (SSA) to organize an Inception Workshop. The primary objective of the workshop was to introduce the project to key stakeholders in Ghana, encourage thoughtful discussions, and gather valuable insights on project execution and timelines. Moreover, the workshop served as a platform to establish and strengthen collaborations with relevant institutions and organizations invested in climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.

The Inception Workshop held at Accra attracted approximately 40 participants representing universities, non-governmental organizations, local communities, government ministries, and agencies. The event featured informative presentations followed by engaging discussions and reflections, allowing participants to make queries, express concerns, and provide crucial inputs to enhance the project’s execution and timelines.

Among the objectives achieved during the workshop were heightened awareness of the PALM-TREEs project among stakeholders in the Greater Accra region, the gathering of valuable insights to refine project execution and timelines, and the establishment of collaborative partnerships to ensure ongoing engagement and success.

The PALM-TREEs project represents a significant stride forward in addressing the unequal risks and impacts of climate extremes felt by marginalized communities in Ghana and Africa at large. By adopting a transdisciplinary and inclusive approach, the project aims to co-produce climate information and policies that prioritize the needs and amplify the voices of those living on the margins. The Inception Workshop in Accra served as a crucial milestone, fostering stakeholder engagement, gathering valuable inputs, and setting the stage for future collaborations that will contribute to building climate resilience and reducing the impacts of extreme events on marginalized groups.

It should be noted that the Greater Accra region of Ghana has witnessed the detrimental effects of rising temperatures, extreme precipitation, droughts, and heatwaves, resulting in significant disruptions to agriculture and food production. To address these specific challenges, PALM-TREEs has partnered with the University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) and the Sustainable Solutions for Africa (SSA) to conduct research on the impacts of heatwaves and heat-induced stress on women in Accra.

As PALM-TREEs progresses, the project is poised to generate a transformative impact by providing marginalized communities in Ghana and across Africa with the tools, knowledge, and agency required to navigate the challenges brought about by extreme events. By amplifying the voices of those most affected, the project aims to pave the way for a more equitable and sustainable future, where climate information and policies truly address the unique circumstances faced by marginalized populations.

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