CLARE Partner: Action Against Hunger All TopicsProjectUpdate All CountriesAlgeriaBangladesh All PartnersAction Against HungerCREWS InitiativeClimate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN)Gram VikasIGAD Centre For Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD)North South University (NSU)UK Met OfficeUttaran All ProjectsSeasonal Climate OutlooksSpatial surge forecasting using artificial intelligence and community knowledge (SURF-IT) All ThemesRisk-informed early actionUnderstanding climate risk All TopicsArid and semi-arid landsCapacity StrengtheningCoastalDisaster risk reductionGender Equality and InclusionMigrationWater All ThreadsClimate-resilient developmentLived experiences Update From Sky: How SURF-IT is Introducing UAV Technology in Coastal Embankment MappingRead more Project Seasonal Climate OutlooksRead more Project Spatial surge forecasting using artificial intelligence and community knowledge (SURF-IT)Read more