Opportunity: CLARE Roster of Experts
The Climate Adaptation and Resilience (CLARE) programme has announced a call for Expressions of Interest (EoI). The call will establish a roster of climate experts for short term assignments to apply existing research into use in a variety of decision-making contexts. Experts will deliver activities that drive the uptake of adaptation research outputs by decision-makers by adapting and evolving existing research outputs and undertaking activities to overcome the barriers to uptake. Prospective partners are invited to submit an EoI to be shortlisted for the roster of experts.
Background to CLARE
The CLARE programme is a UK-Canada framework research programme aimed at enabling socially inclusive and sustainable action to build resilience to climate change and natural hazards in Africa and Asia-Pacific. SouthSouthNorth’s (SSN) role on the CLARE programme is to build synergies with in-country knowledge brokers to identify knowledge brokering opportunities to maximise the uptake of adaptation and resilience-focussed knowledge from CLARE and predecessor programmes. There is a rich and compelling knowledge resource from previously funded adaptation and resilience research programmes, however, the knowledge was not always shared and disseminated as effectively as it could have been in order to lead to climate action. In many cases this was due to limitations in the project duration and budget for knowledge sharing and dissemination beyond the programme delivery.
Roster of experts
In-country knowledge brokers are busy undertaking detailed processes for scoping of demand with decision-makers (including national government and civil society organisations) in eight countries in Africa and Asia-Pacific. In its role with CLARE, SSN will establish and draw on a roster of experts to commission activities that respond to the adaptation-related demands and needs identified by these knowledge brokers. When demands relevant to an expert’s areas of focus arise, experts will be called upon to provide services relating to the repurposing and repackaging of existing knowledge outputs from CLARE and predecessor programmes – in the form of data, tools, methodologies and other knowledge outputs – to inform decision-making purposes.
The purpose of this EoI is to establish a roster of experts with a broad range of expertise to be called upon between now and April 2026. The roster of experts will support the repurposing and repackaging of existing knowledge and research to meet climate change adaptation needs identified by decision-makers in Africa and Asia-Pacific. The aim is to maximise the utility and uptake of existing knowledge by policymakers and practitioners through the development of actionable adaptation solutions and tools in collaboration with end-users.
How to submit an EoI
To begin, ensure familiarity with the call document detailing the expertise being sought and application criteria.
Submit your EoI here.
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