CLARE Theme: Developing in a changing climate Enabling long-term, sustainable, and equitable economic and social development in a changing climate All TopicsOutputProjectUpdate All CountriesBangladeshBeninBhutanBurkina FasoCambodiaCameroonDemocratic Republic of the CongoEthiopiaFijiGhanaIndiaIndonesiaKenyaLaosMadagascarMalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMauritiusMozambiqueMyanmarNepalNigerNigeriaPhilippinesRwandaSenegalSierra LeoneSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth SudanTanzaniaThailandTogoUgandaVietnamZambia All PartnersACTSASEAN SecretariatAbdou Moumouni University (UAM)Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA)Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI)African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS)African Group of Negotiators Expert Support (AGNES)African Women's Network for Sustainable Development (REFADD)Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)Association of African Universities (AAU)Association of Uganda Professional Women in Agriculture and the Environment (AUPWAE)Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN)Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM)Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA)French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)Homeless People's Federation Philippines, Inc. (HPFPI)ICLEI AfricaICLEI South AsiaICLEI Southeast AsiaInstitute of Development Studies (IDS)Institute of Environmental Science for Social Change (ESSC)Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS) - ZanzibarInternational Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)International Development Research Centre (IDRC)International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) - NigeriaInternational Water Management Institute (IWMI)Kathmandu UniversityKulima Integrated Development SolutionsKwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)Lead City University (LCU)London School of Economics (LSE)Makerere UniversityMaldives National University (MNU)Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST)Nepal Development Research Institute (NDRI)Nepal Institute of Development Studies (NIDS)Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER)Ouranos Inc.Overseas Development Institute (ODI)Pattimura UniversityPaul Watkiss Associates (PWA)PlanAdaptProject EmpowerRare Inc.Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU)Royal Thimpu College (RTC)School of Global Development, University of East AngliaShahidi wa MajiSingapore Management UniversitySokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)SouthSouthNorth (SSN)Sustainable Solutions for Africa (SSA)Technical Assistance Movement for People and Environment Inc. (TAMPEI)UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)UK Met OfficeUnited Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH)University College London (UCL)University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC)University of Cape Town (UCT)University of ExeterUniversity of Fiji (UniFiji)University of HamburgUniversity of Ibadan (UI)University of Kinshasa (Unikin)University of LeedsUniversity of Limpopo (UL)University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID)University of Malawi (UNIMA)University of Mauritius (UoM)University of Nairobi (UoN)University of OxfordUniversity of Sheffield's Urban InstituteUniversity of SussexUniversity of WaterlooUniversity of Yaoundé IUniversity of ZinderUniversity of the Philippines Resilience Institute (UPRI)University of the Philippines School of Urban and Regional Planning (UP SURP)Vanguard EconomicsWater Witness International (WWI)WaterAid Burkina FasoWaterAid CanadaWaterAid TanzaniaWaterAid UKWest African Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) All ProjectsAdaptation Research Alliance (ARA)Behavioural adaptation for water security and inclusion (BASIN)Building Insurance Mechanisms Adaptation (BIMA)Building women smallholder farmers’ adaptive capacities in Uganda (WOSFER)CLARE Capacity Strengthening HubCLARE Research for Impact (R4I) HubCLARE-ASEANClimate Risk Early Warning System (CREWS)Climate adaptation and resilience in tropical drylands (CLARITY)Decision Support for Climate Risk Preparedness towards Gender-Responsive Crop Insurance in West Africa (GRIN)Designing inclusive African coastal cities’ resilience (INACCT Resilience)Early warning and response for climate-sensitive waterborne disease outbreaks in Benin (Benin Health)Enhancing inclusive Global South participation in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Climate Change and CitiesEnhancing local capacities in socially inclusive resilience in Asia (SIRA)Fisheries sustainability on coral reefs (ClimateREEFS)Gender equality and inclusion: Distribution and costs of adaptation (ECONOGENESIS)Improved anticipation of floods on the White Nile (INFLOW)Innovative facilitation for resilience: Transforming complex dialogue for adaptation (fellowships)Pan-African and transdisciplinary lens on the margins: Tackling the risks of extreme events (PALM-TREES)Resilience and preparedness to tropical cyclones across Southern Africa (REPRESA)Resilience building through multi-stakeholder engagement in anticipatory action for climate-induced disaster (REBUMAA)Resilience of informal communities in rapid urbanization (RURBANISE)Resilience to climate vulnerability and environmental risk (RECOVER) focus on small islandsRobust information for decisions: Africa climate change focus (RIfS)Spatial surge forecasting using artificial intelligence and community knowledge (SURF-IT)Strengthening pastoralist livelihoods through effective anticipatory action (PASSAGE)Successful intervention pathways for migration as adaptation (SUCCESS)Synthesis program for African research on climate change (BAOBAB)Transformative research for adaptation to climate change in informal settlements (Urban TRACS)Understanding African universities' capacity for climate adaptation research: Piloting a climate-focused organizational capacity assessment tool (CO-CAT) All ThemesDeveloping in a changing climateRisk-informed early actionUnderstanding climate risk All TopicsAgricultureArid and semi-arid landsCapacity StrengtheningCoastalDisaster risk reductionEconomicsEcosystems based adaptationEffective adaptationGender Equality and InclusionHealthHumanitarian actionInformal settlementsMigrationResearch for ImpactTransboundary adaptationUrbanWater Project Robust information for decisions: Africa climate change focus (RIfS)Read more Project Transformative research for adaptation to climate change in informal settlements (Urban TRACS)Read more Update GRIN Activities 2024Read more Project Enhancing inclusive Global South participation in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Climate Change and CitiesRead more Update Bridging Knowledge and Action: The Community Hydrology ApproachRead more Project CLARE-ASEANRead more Project Understanding African universities' capacity for climate adaptation research: Piloting a climate-focused organizational capacity assessment tool (CO-CAT)Read more Update Call for Research Proposals for CLARE-ASEAN:Read more Update SIRA Project launched in Bangladesh to boost inclusivity, local expertise in climate resilienceRead more Update Stories of Change: The New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance and Who Pays? Read more Update Bridging Knowledge Gaps on Climate Change Financial Risks with the Central Bank of Uganda Read more Update Bridging Gaps in Climate Change AdaptationRead more Output Research for impact approaches in CLARE : bridging science and actionRead more Update Read about research for impact approaches in CLARE in our first working paper Read more Update Co-creation for more inclusive adaptation and resilience researchRead more Output Islands at the brink - country brief : FijiRead more Output S4 Ep3 - reframing the climate crisis narrative with Neil Adger : the we societyRead more Update Evaluation of the CLimate Adaptation and REsilience (CLARE) programRead more Update Stories of Change: Addressing the gap on gender equality and social inclusion in climate adaptation finance Read more Update A behavioural lens could refresh approaches to water securityRead more Update WOSFER Researchers to Empower Women Smallholder Farmers in Cattle CorridorRead more Update Islands at the Brink: Climate Realities in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)Read more Update Equitable Partnerships in Climate Research: Reflections from Peer-LearningRead more Update UPDATED - Opportunity: Call for Expressions of Interest — CLARE in ASEANRead more Update Impact of climate change on agricultural communities in Mustang, NepalRead more Project Innovative Facilitation for Resilience: Transforming complex dialogue for adaptation (fellowships)Read more Update CLARE to deepen conversation on adaptation and resilience at What Works Climate Solutions SummitRead more Output Underfinanced. Underprepared : inadequate investment and planning on climate adaptation leaves world exposed - adaptation gap report update 2023Read more Output Adaptation gap report update 2023 : chapter 4, adaptation finance gapRead more Update “What season is it?” Changing agrarian landscapes in the high hills of IndrawatiRead more Update Migrant workers driving development: A view from Pasakha, BhutanRead more Update Understanding the challenges of rural outmigration in Nepal and BhutanRead more Update Why understanding the behavioural dimensions of adapting to water insecurity is so importantRead more Update REBUMAA's Journey to Strengthen Community BondsRead more Update R4I Opportunities Fund BrochureRead more Update Opportunity: CLARE Roster of ExpertsRead more Update Ensuring gender equality and inclusion in climate research Read more Update Introducing the CLARE research portfolio Read more Output Climate change and migration : navigating choices for a sustainable futureRead more Update CLARE R4I Opportunities FundRead more Update Launch of CLimate Adaptation and REsilience (CLARE) Research for Impact HubRead more Project CLARE Research for Impact (R4I) HubRead more Update CLARExchange Forum 2023: Supporting Collaboration and Learning Across the CLARE Research PortfolioRead more Update Walking-the-talk for action-oriented adaptation researchRead more Output Enabling climate science use to better support resilience and adaptation practice : rapid evidence assessment for the CLARE programmeRead more Output Scoping study on commissioning research and improving the effectiveness of partnerships in CLARE : a practitioner’s perspectiveRead more Output Programme design for climate resilient development : a review of key functionsRead more Output Climate change, conflict and fragility : information and analysis to support programme design scoping for the climate and resilience framework programme (CLARE)Read more Output Design scoping study for the capacity strengthening component of the CLARE programme : final reportRead more Update CapaCITY through Co-creation: comparing transformational processes of capability development for urban resilienceRead more Update “Climate REEFS” Initiative Launched to Advance Equitable Pathways to Climate Adaptation in Asia PacificRead more Update Keberlanjutan perikanan di ekosistem terumbu karang (Climate REEFS)Read more Project Decision support for climate risk preparedness - towards gender-responsive crop insurance in West Africa (GRIN)Read more Project Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA)Read more Project CLARE Capacity Strengthening HubRead more Project Synthesis program for African research on climate change (BAOBAB)Read more Project Fisheries sustainability on coral reefs (ClimateREEFS)Read more Project Successful intervention pathways for migration as adaptation (SUCCESS)Read more Project Climate adaptation and resilience in tropical drylands (CLARITY)Read more Project Behavioural adaptation for water security and inclusion (BASIN)Read more Project Gender equality and inclusion: Distribution and costs of adaptation (ECONOGENESIS)Read more Project Resilience of informal communities in rapid urbanization (RURBANISE)Read more Project Building WOmen Smallholder Farmers’ empowerment and adaptive capacities: A pathway to Enhancing women’s Resilience to climate change in Uganda (WOSFER)Read more Output Integration of gender equality and social inclusion considerations into CLARE : the ‘what’ and the ‘how’Read more Update IDRC and UK announce new research projects to boost climate resilience in Global SouthRead more